Applied Solution Services has developed a suite of tools designed to automate labor-intensive tasks like manual data entry, enabling you to save time and focus energy on more important, high value work. These utilities provide seamless capabilities for importing and extracting Applied Epic® data, streamlining data management processes, and enhancing overall operational efficiency.
Data Import Utilities
Bulk import tools leverage structured spreadsheets to help you get data you need into Applied Epic faster when acquiring new agencies or during initial implementation.
Book of Business Import
Import clients, policies, attachments, activities, and contacts into Applied Epic using a spreadsheet template – a great tool for migrating smaller agency acquisitions on your own.
Transaction Import
Import opening balances, either agency or direct bill transactions, pre-bills, and installments into any Applied Epic customer/policy during implementation.
Journal Entry Import
Import journal entry information into Applied Epic to update financials on-demand without manually entering multiple journal entries – well-suited for situations where you use a third-party system to cut checks and need to balance your books in Applied Epic.
Activity Import (Canada only)
Mass market CSIO Personal Auto and Home policies by auto-generating activities into the Marketing workflow in Applied Epic.
Automation Tools
Workflow utilities make it easier to perform tedious tasks efficiently using bulk extract and import functionality at key milestones throughout the year.
Custom Form Data Extract
Selectively report on and/or extract all data associated with lines of business captured using Applied Epic custom forms.
Client Attachments Extract
Export all attachments from Applied Epic associated with a single client for a specified time period.
Bulk Renewal Tool
Select Applied Epic policies that are ready for renewal and leverage automation to create and populate a Renewal Policy with customer and risk data from the prior term.
Commercial Policy Risk Utility
Enable end-users to export Policy Risk data to a .csv, per client. This .csv can be updated and imported back into Applied Epic when you need to modify/import/delete policy risks on an on-going basis.
Pre-Built Integrations
Connectivity with agency management or other systems that house critical policy-related information allows Applied customers to centralize policy header and related information in Applied Epic as their source of truth. In collaboration with integrated vendors, we will install, assist with configuring, and help map the necessary values for the integration to function.
Vertafore BenefitPoint Integration
Ingest customer, contact, policy header, and invoice data from BenefitPoint into Applied Epic to maintain a single view of customers across P&C and Benefits policies.
Zywave Brokerage Builder Integration
Ingest customer, contact, and policy header data from Brokerage Builder into Applied Epic to maintain a single system of record for policy header information.
Tinubu Surety Integration
Ingest customer, contact, and policy header data for bond policies from SurePath into Applied Epic to maintain a single system of record for policy header information.
Gen4 Integration
Ingest customer, contact, and policy header data from Gen4 into Applied Epic to maintain a single system of record for policy header information.